

High Heeled Life, originally titled Falling off  a High Heeled Life ~ described exactly how I felt after a life changing pedestrian car accident (I being the pedestrian).  The person I saw in the mirror no longer resembled me and the life I now lived was quite different from the lifestyle I had prior to October 28, 2006. Encouraged by my speech therapist I started blogging in 2010, as a way to re-develop my writing and communications skills. Blogging not only helped me with speech therapy it became an outlet to share my journey after literally falling off my high heeled life (going from fashionista, with brilliant corporate career in communications, woman in high heels to sweat suits and flats with therapies replacing my fabulous corporate career).

In sharing my story and journey of trying to pick up the pieces of my life, I started connecting with women all over the world, who were either facing (had faced) life altering situations or had a loved one who was. Though the "event" which changed our life as we had come to know it may be different, the one common thread was that we now had a "Life in Transition". Leaving us with a sense of loss for what we had known (and how it defined us) along with an uncertainty of what the future would be, as we tried to face challenges each day seems to bring.

I'm often asked "What is your secret to maintaining a positive out-look on life, despite all that you have gone through and lost? " This made me think, is there a secret ~ My days are filled with therapies to keep my body, mind and spirit moving instead of corporate meetings and I now live in a sleepy countryside instead of an always awake city. Well I don't have a secret, what I have come to realize is a High Heeled Life is not measured by one's situation, income or geographic location. Therefore I can still live a High Heeled Life - I don't have to fall off it! It's just going to look a little different.

I have decided to continue sharing my Life in Transition journey as I transition from Surviving to Thriving; achieve balance and peace within myself; how I'm clearing out things which no longer fit my life and how I'm creating a me and life that complement each other; as a way to inspire others to create their own High Heeled Life, no matter what detours life has sent them on and to go from Existing to Living and enjoying each and every moment of their fabulous life!

High Heeled Life is not about excess, it's about being selective and realizing excess does not increase our quality of life.  Our quality of life comes from achieving balance and peace within our self (mind, body and spirit). Once we have peace and balance we are able to create and live the life we choose. 

Thank you for visiting my little corner of Blogland and reading High Heeled Life. Here's to creating and living a High Heeled Life!

Create and Live Life One Step at a Time,

Celia M.
Founder and Editor of High Heeled Life

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